Relentless: A Royal Secret Baby Romance (The Alabaster Club) Page 8
“You okay in there?” Candy called out.
Paige leaned against the sink, looking up into her own bleary eyes for a moment before answering. “Yeah! Sorry, I guess the price of this thing just has me overwhelmed.”
She knew it was a lie; she’d been feeling sick all day. But she promised Candy a pizza night, and she would dutifully stick with her promise no matter how she was feeling. She took off the necklace and left it on the counter in the bathroom, then walked back toward the kitchen. There was no way to possibly know what Royce meant with the gift, and there was no way for her to find out.
She’d forget about it and focus on moving on.
What other choice did she have?
Chapter 22
“Mother! Father!” Royce spoke far more cheerfully than he felt. He had been invited to a dinner with his parents, and though he hadn’t wanted to go, he forced himself. He was growing tired of all the luxury, and he didn’t want his parents to once again show off to him all that was going to be his one day. The fact of the matter was that he didn’t truly care.
Ever since he’d come home he hadn’t been able to get Paige off his mind. He felt bad for leaving her like he had, and there was a part of him that wondered if it would have been better not to spend the time with her at all, though he still couldn’t get the night they’d had sex out of his mind.
“So glad you could make it! We’re just going to go over a few business things, and I was wondering if you might be able to explain this?” Royce’s father threw a slip of paper down on the table and immediately Royce saw it was a receipt for the penguin necklace he’d purchased for Paige on a whim.
“William said that it might be of interest, so we were wondering if you had something to tell us?” his father continued. Royce winced. William would never learn when to keep his mouth shut.
“It was for a friend back in the States. She was caught up in some unfortunate circumstances with the paparazzi thing, and I wanted to make it up to her,” Royce replied.
“Unfortunate how?” his mother asked.
“I mean, she’s not used to living this kind of life, and I felt bad that she ended up on the cover of a tabloid because of me, so I thought I’d give her a gift,” Royce said flatly.
“So you thought spending over a hundred thousand dollars was the way to compensate?” his father asked, crossing his arms.
“I didn’t think the price was going to be a problem,” Royce shot back. “It usually never is.”
“I thought we talked about this?” his father said. “You went to Vegas to have your fun, and you’re getting that other girl out of your head. Not send her an ostentatious gift that is worth more than twice her salary.”
Royce felt a flare of anger at his father’s biting words, but chose to ignore it. “We did talk about it, so there’s really no reason to talk about it anymore,” Royce said. He didn’t want to go into details about how felt about Paige, and he wasn’t going to apologize to his parents for spending the money on her. He actually felt that the gift wasn’t enough. But he wasn’t going to tell his parents that.
“Alright, then let’s move on. But I’m telling you, your little fling had better be over, Royce. You have flings all over the world and most of the time they aren’t anything to make mention of, but when it turns into something big, we have the potential to be the object of a great many scandals,” his mother said.
“I know, Mother, we don’t have to go into it again!” Royce snapped.
“Do not speak to your mother like that,” his father thundered.
“Sorry,” he muttered.
Royce wasn’t feeling hungry, and he was even less so now that his parents were reprimanding him about the gift. But he knew that he had to stay or they were going to yell at him more.
“There is other business we have to discuss, I’m assuming?” he prompted, trying to change topics. Both his parents had turned their attention to the meal, but Royce was only picking at his.
“Yes. It turns out there are further developments with the gentleman who owns a shipping company from a little while back. The one you were introduced to during your recent trip,” his father replied.
Royce frowned. “Mr. Harvey? I found it remarkable that we were able to get him back at all.”
“Well, there are some issues with our contract, and we are going to have to get it worked out. He is thankfully understanding of our situation and has agreed to continue to work with us for the next couple months while we prepare to send you back to the States. It’s going to come down to you to take care of this. You are the one who set up the contract in the first place, now you are going to have to learn how to amend it. It’s for your own good, really,” his father replied.
“You’re sending me back to the States after you tell me that I screwed up the last time I was there?” Royce asked in disbelief.
“Of course you’re not going alone, and your conduct is going to be much better this time than it was then. I trust you’ve learned your lesson,” his father said. Royce shook his head. He knew there was no point to arguing about this. Once his father had his mind made up, there was little that could be said or done to change it.
And if William was already aware of what was going on, Royce knew his parents were going to send him along as well. He was trapped in a situation he didn’t want to be part of, and he had no choice in the matter.
It almost felt like a betrayal to Paige to strike a deal with Mr. Harvey, and his parents didn’t necessarily need the money. They were one of the richest families in the world, and Royce was beginning to wonder when enough would be enough. He made it through the rest of the dinner without saying much, and left as soon as he possibly could.
He’d be going back to the States, and there was a chance he could see Paige again. This was shocking news to him, and he felt she deserved to know in advance. It wasn’t going to be easy, but he’d have to talk to her.
Reluctantly, he pulled out his phone to call her.
Chapter 23
Paige walked back into the living room and sat on the couch. She was tired of throwing up and tired of feeling nauseous, and didn’t want to think that the next nine months could be this way. She’d gone to the doctor after the nausea wouldn’t let up, and her suspicion was confirmed: she was pregnant.
She didn’t know how she felt about everything. She knew she was going to keep the baby for sure—she already felt inexplicably connected to it. But should she tell Royce? This child would be next in line for the throne, and she was the mother. But then, would they even accept a bastard child? Would it be better to just cut him off and raise the child alone?
Her phone rang, shaking her from her thoughts. She was shocked to see Royce’s name on the screen. She stared at it for a moment before picking up. She was even more shocked when she didn’t hear his normally tender and genuine greeting and instead heard a cooler, cockier tone of a typical playboy.
“I just thought I’d give you the courtesy and call to let you know I was going to be back in the States in a couple of months. Would you be down to meet up and have some more fun?” he asked.
Paige’s mind immediately flashed back to the night at the club. They’d drank and danced, and it ended with them fucking back at his penthouse. It was by far one of the most fun nights of her life, and she wanted nothing more than to do it again. But, with the baby to think about now, she didn’t know if it would be a good idea.
Not to mention, she didn’t want to break her own heart all over again. She knew if he was in the States, it was only going to be for a short while, and that meant she was going to have to say goodbye again and have to get used to missing him all over again.
“I’m not sure yet, that’s still quite a long ways away. Let’s see what happens when it gets closer,” she said at last. She was surprised by her own coldness, but there was also something empowering in it as well. She had to stand firm and figure things out.
“Oh, well that surprises me. I thought that you had fun
the last time I was there, and I thought you’d want to do it again,” Royce said. His voice sounded arrogant, and Paige felt herself go on the defensive. She did have fun, but she wasn’t the kind of girl who was always just looking for a hookup, and considering all the women Royce had been with in those pictures, she wondered if he just viewed her as the go-to hookup in this city now.
“I did have fun, but like I said, that’s a long time away, and I’m not sure what I’m going to be doing at that point. I would hate to make plans with you, and then have to leave you hanging,” she said. She hoped that her choice of words would get her point across, and when she heard his hastened breathing, she felt that it had.
“Alright, then, I’m glad I got a hold of you now so I can know what to plan on,” he replied tartly. “Talk to you later.”
“Goodbye,” Paige said. She hardly recognized how she’d treated him. It was just as much a shock to her as she was sure it was a shock to him. How had she gone from the girl who was head over heels in love with him to someone who wanted to be so cold and distant? It was a strange feeling, and in a way, she liked it.
Paige sighed as she reluctantly set her phone down on the couch next to her. There was a part of her that wanted to call Royce back and tell him she was sorry, but there was an even greater part of her that was proud of herself for not jumping at the first chance to see him, like a lovesick puppy. After all, she had the baby to think about now, it was going to be her priority above all else. She couldn’t make things more complicated by hooking up with Royce.
She didn’t need Royce to be involved in the baby’s life, and in a way, she didn’t want him to be. He wasn’t the same, loving Royce she had met. It sounded like all he wanted was to have a fun night and a good fuck. Was that really how he viewed her? Why did he give her the expensive jewelry, then? Did he want something more? Would he even want a child?
His money would be a nice help in raising the child, but then, she could take the necklace he had given her and sell it. If it really was worth as much as the internet told her it was, she would have no problems raising the child with the money she could get for it.
Royce didn’t need to be involved, and he didn’t need to know about the baby. It really was as simple as that.
Time would pass, and he would come to town. When he arrived, she’d figure out whether she wanted to see him or not, but she wasn’t going to worry about it in the meantime. Now, she was going to focus on taking care of herself and the baby, and what she was going to do when the child arrived.
Royalty or not, he didn’t have the right to treat her like she was nothing more than a lay, and she wasn’t going to stand for it if he did. She knew what she wanted in life, and she was going to pursue that above all else. For once, she was going to let the man come to her and not chase after him, and that was the end of that.
Hard as it was going to be, the numbness she felt made it easier. Royce was a player, and he did what he wanted.
But she was strong and independent, and she would show him she also could do what she wanted.
Whether he liked it or not.
Chapter 24
Paige stood, nervously waiting as her necklace was appraised. She had thought long and hard about whether or not she wanted to bring it to the auction, and finally, she had decided it was for the best.
“It’s authentic, alright, but for the life of me I can’t figure out how you got it,” Mr. Gonzales said as he looked over the jewelry. Paige smiled at him but merely shrugged. He looked over the piece once more, then he shook his head as he handed it back to her.
“I’m going to make a few phone calls so we can discuss your options, but I wouldn’t be surprised if you manage to walk away with the one hundred thirty-six thousand, perhaps even more,” he said. “There was a man in here the other day looking for this exact piece, and he told me more than once he was willing to go above two hundred and fifty for it.”
“Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars?” Paige asked with wide eyes. “For this?”
“It might not look like much, but when you find the right person, they are willing to pay the price,” Mr. Gonzales said with a smile.
“That’s what I like to hear,” Paige replied, giving him a smile back. “I’ll be here waiting for you.”
He turned and walked away, and she smiled as she put her hand over her stomach. She had, with difficulty, decided that telling Royce about the baby was only the right thing to do, but she had to figure out the right time to do it. She didn’t want him or anyone else to think that she was only having the baby for money, so she decided she was going to sell the penguin necklace and have enough so she could turn down any payoff Royce might send her way.
She picked up a magazine as she waited, flipping through the latest celebrity gossip articles. She couldn’t help but read the article entitled “The Top Ten Hottest Royals,” and she was surprised Royce was only put in third place. In her mind, he deserved first, but the two who were above him were clearly a few years younger.
Younger was hotter these days, though her mind wasn’t changed. Her phone rang, and she was surprised to see that it was William.
“Hello?” she asked, not bothering to mask the confusion in her voice.
“Paige?” William asked. She found it odd he felt comfortable enough to be on a first name basis with her.
“Yes, what do you want?” she asked.
“I wanted to let you know that we’ve come across some hospital records, and I know your situation. Don’t you dare think this is a bargaining chip for you,” he said.
Paige’s hand flew to her mouth in shock and anger. “How dare you go through my hospital records? How did you even manage to get your hands on them?” she whispered, horrified. She’d expected him to say something about the baby once he found out, but she certainly didn’t think he would be able to violate her privacy in that way.
Medical records were protected by law, and there shouldn’t be any way for anyone to get into them without cause, and they would have no reason to think she might be pregnant.
“You might be surprised what people will do when they think they can make a buck,” he replied. “Let’s just say not everyone on the staff is as ethical as the creed they claim to uphold.”
“Tell me who it was! I want them fired!” she shot back.
“I’m not going to tell you their name any more than you’re going to use that child to your advantage,” he replied evenly. “I’m not even going to tell you if it was a man or woman, and we have the files under lock and key, so don’t even try going to the hospital about it, either.”
Paige knew he was trying to threaten her, but she didn’t feel the least bit intimidated. She knew William well enough to know he was far more bark than bite. The only thing he was trying to do was keep her away from Royce, and she knew that wasn’t going to be a problem.
“I’ll have you know that I don’t want anything from Royce, and I’m not going to come forward with the child, either. I’ve got my own money, thank you, and all I need from any of you is to leave me alone!” she snapped. There was silence on the other end of the line for a moment, then William spoke again.
“I’m going to need a contract in writing that says so,” he replied. “I’ll get the lawyer on that right away, and I’m sure you’re going to be more than happy to sign it as soon as I have it prepared.”
“Are you going to have Royce sign it, too? I’m sure he would be a little less than thrilled if he’s duke one day and finds out about a child that you decided to keep hidden from him. From what I hear, he’s rather tired of you being the one to dictate his life,” Paige coolly replied. She knew she had the upper hand with this one.
Royce might not be able to do anything about William right now, but when he was duke one day, he would have full say in what happened to the man. He had the power to send the guy from riches to rags overnight, or even throw him in prison for his meddling ways, and William knew it.
“I’ll take care of Royce
. All you’re going to have to worry about is the contract,” he replied with the same cool tone. She knew he was spooked; she could hear it in his breathing, but he was a man who knew how to handle himself in tough situations, and he wasn’t going to let her intimidate him any more than she was going to let him intimidate her.
“I’ll sign your stupid contract, but there is one condition,” she shot back.
“I already told you, you aren’t going to use the child to try to get anything out of us!” William interrupted before she had the chance to continue.
“And I told you, that’s not what I want. I’m going to be wealthier than I know what to do with in a few minutes, and I’m never going to need another dime from anyone. Hell, I wouldn’t even have to work for a few years if I didn’t want to!” Paige said triumphantly.
“Then what is your condition?” William asked, ignoring what she’d said. Paige hesitated for a moment, then she decided that she’d best just tell him.
“I’m the only one who gets to tell Royce about the baby.”
There was silence on the other end of the line for a moment, then an exasperated sigh. “Fine. You can tell him, but you’re going to do it soon, and you aren’t going to do it publicly. This contract is going to be ready as soon as possible, and I expect it signed directly.”
“Deal,” she replied.
Chapter 25
Royce stared out the window of his private jet. They were slowly losing altitude, coming in for a landing. He wasn’t excited to be back in the States. All he could think about was Paige. She’d been so cold to him on the phone when they last spoke, and he didn’t know why.